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If you wish to upload a file/s go to top menu (black ribbon) hover your mouse over ‘+ New’ tab and then select ‘Media’. Once there, click ‘Select Files’ and choose the file/s you wish to share. Then click on ‘Edit’ or go to ‘Library’ (side menu on the left) and retrieve the link to the selected file/s, and then paste it to the text editor section in the forum’s front end. In order to avoid losing any text written in the text editor, we advise to do the upload of your file/s first and then to work further in the text editor. Alternatively, you can work on both but with separate tabs.
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This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by .
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by .
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by .
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by .
This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by .
This is a public Forum, which means any visitor can read all topics and posts, but not contribute.
If you want to actively contribute to this forum, please use the contact page to request an account. Your account credentials will then be provided to you on the next working day.
If you wish to upload a file/s go to top menu (black ribbon) hover your mouse over ‘+ New’ tab and then select ‘Media’. Once there, click ‘Select Files’ and choose the file/s you wish to share. Then click on ‘Edit’ or go to ‘Library’ (side menu on the left) and retrieve the link to the selected file/s, and then paste it to the text editor section in the forum’s front end. In order to avoid losing any text written in the text editor, we advise to do the upload of your file/s first and then to work further in the text editor. Alternatively, you can work on both but with separate tabs.
In case of any forum issues or if you have any question/s related to the forum functionalities, please send an email to: