Recent improvements have been made to the geometric calibration of both OLCI-A and OLCI-B. These improvements will be realised in a change to the Level-1 product baseline, coming at the end of July. This update is of particular interest to OLCI marine users who are engaged in work in the coastal and inland water domains.
Copernicus in situ FRM database:
The initial version of the Copernicus in situ fiducial reference measurement database has been released to S3VT members for assessment and feedback. The database will be opened more widely after this assessment phase, but the user community should be aware of developments.
OLCI in situ match-up protocols:
Discussions are currently underway within S3VT to harmonise and standardise the protocols for performing in situ match-ups with OLCI across the various validation teams. While this currently remains an S3VT activity, the outcomes of the discussions may be of interest to the wider OC community, and will be shared as appropriate.
S3VT-OC meeting summary: 9th July 2019
Geometric calibration for OLCI-A and OLCI-B:
Recent improvements have been made to the geometric calibration of both OLCI-A and OLCI-B. These improvements will be realised in a change to the Level-1 product baseline, coming at the end of July. This update is of particular interest to OLCI marine users who are engaged in work in the coastal and inland water domains.
Copernicus in situ FRM database:
The initial version of the Copernicus in situ fiducial reference measurement database has been released to S3VT members for assessment and feedback. The database will be opened more widely after this assessment phase, but the user community should be aware of developments.
OLCI in situ match-up protocols:
Discussions are currently underway within S3VT to harmonise and standardise the protocols for performing in situ match-ups with OLCI across the various validation teams. While this currently remains an S3VT activity, the outcomes of the discussions may be of interest to the wider OC community, and will be shared as appropriate.